School Prospectus


Dear Mums, Dads and Carers,

Welcome to North Borough Junior School. We have a warm dedicated staff team who have high expectations of achievement and behaviour. We believe that creating the right educational environment allows each child to aim for the very best they can.

The school is in a time of innovation and change as we develop a curriculum and range of teaching styles that is based on the needs and interests of our children. We know that sometimes children learn better outside of the classroom and always learn better when the learning is engaging and fun.

We work hard to develop our children as risk takers in their learning and design activities to build their self-esteem in order that they achieve the highest standards they are capable of.

We have a diverse mix of children and families and enjoy the richness that this brings to our school. We celebrate each individual and encourage each child to be proud of what makes them unique.


We know that in order to develop the best environment for learning 

it is vital that we develop close working partnerships with the families and our children. There are many opportunities for you to meet with teacher throughout the year. In both a formal in informal way. We also encourage parental involvement in school wherever possible.

Our pupils are happy, safe and well-motivated. They show respect for themselves and each other. They are proud of the high standards they reach and how hard they work in school.

Please do not hesitate to contact the school office should you like to make an appointment to visit or have further questions or queries.

I look forward to meeting you and your child and working together to achieve the absolute best for them.


Mrs Jenny Chiverton

Executive Headteacher


Our School

School times are as follows:

8.30am Gates open children to classes

8.35 - 8.50-Registration

8.50-9-Correct & Reflect or Reading for Pleasure

9-9.30-Guided Reading



10.30-10.45-Break Time            



1.10-3.00-Curriculum Lessons

3.00-Drop Everything And Read (DEAR) Time


Gate Opening and Closing Times:

Gate opens at 8.30am and closes at 8.50am

Gate opens at 3.10pm and closes at 3.30pm



School Dress Code

Our school uniform consists of:

  • Grey skirt, trousers or tailored shorts
  • Blue or white polo-shirt ideally with the school logo
  • Blue or navy jumper or cardigan ideally with the school logo
  • Summer Dress (optional) can be of any suitable blue/white check or stripe material made to a sensible design
  • Long hair should be tied back for reasons of safety. Hair bands should be plain (no bright/illuminous colours) and have no extra decorations to them.
  • Shoes should be black in colour. No trainers or boots
  • Matching black or grey socks
  • Grey or black tights or white socks with a skirt or dress



  • Plain white t-shirt, also available with the school logo
  • Black shorts
  • Plain tracksuit top and bottoms in black or navy blue
  • Trainers/plimsolls 


Collecting your child at the end of the day

At the end of the day, pupils are collected by parents/carers at 3.15pm on the main school playground. The school gates close at 3.30pm and all parents/carers and pupils are asked to leave the school premises promptly.

Parents must complete the complete the attached collection agreement form so that we know how your child will be collected at the end of each day.

If someone else is picking your child up from school, please let the class teacher know who it will be or inform the school office if there is a change of plan during the day.


What happens if I am late collecting my child?

At the end of the day, the children are dismissed by their class teacher and any children who have not been collected are taken to wait in the school office. If we have been informed that a parent is slightly delayed your child will wait in the school office. If we have not been notified, we will start to contact the parents and named carers to find out what arrangements can be made for collection.

It is essential that parents/ carers keep the class teacher and school office up to date of any changes in phone numbers either at work, home or on a mobile.


What do I do if my child is sick?

We have to keep details of every child’s individual attendance and punctuality. These are monitored by the Family Liaison Officer and the Educational Welfare Officer who makes regular visits. All absence must be reported on the day by telephoning the school office. Please use the recorded message system and leave your child’s name, class and reason for absence. The school must be phoned on the morning of every day of absence. A written note explaining your child’s absence needs to be brought in on the day they return. Please dial 01622 754708-Option 1. If your child has a medical appointment, please inform the school office in advance and supply a copy of the appointment card or letter.


What do I do if we want to go away on holiday?

Recent changes in legislation by the Government mean that leave in term time may only be granted in ‘exceptional circumstances’ and evidence must be provided if absence is to be authorised. A copy of our Attendance Policy is enclosed and we urge you to read it.

It is essential that parents/ carers keep the class teacher and school office up to date of any changes in phone numbers either at work, home or on a mobile.



What happens if my child needs to take medicine at school?

The school has adopted the following guidelines for the administration of medicines:

  • An ‘Administering Medicines’ form is available from the school office and must be completed by the parents requesting medicine to be given to their children by school staff.
  • We can administer cough medicine, Calpol etc., which have been purchased ‘over the counter.’ The appropriate forms must be completed at the school office.
  • Medicines must always be handed into and collected from the school office by parents and not brought into school by children.
  • Parents of children who use inhalers, epi-pens, insulin or other medication that need to be kept in school on a permanent basis, must complete the appropriate forms available from the school office. Parents are responsible for ensuring such medication is labelled and in date.


What happens at Break Times?

Children have a 15-minute break at 10:30 until 10:45. Children have access to specific playgrounds on different days, ensuring each child is able to take advantage of the various facilities, games and activities available to them. During wet play days, when the weather is deemed too poor to go outside, children are provided with entertainment in their classroom. Children are allowed to eat a healthy snack at this time and should be provided daily, but this must only be fruit or vegetables.


What happens at lunchtimes?

Children either bring their own packed lunch to school or have a school lunch. The school menu and cost of school lunch is available from the school office. It is also available here. Please read our information leaflet to see whether you are entitled to Free School Meals. We are a NUT FREE school, so please ensure any food entering the school site is free of nuts.



We have four ‘houses’ at North Borough Juniors: Resilience (red), Integrity (blue), Respect (yellow) and Equality (green); your child will be placed in one of these houses when s/he joins the school. House points can be awarded for work, behaviour, manners, sportsmanship etc. The children also compete in their houses for sports day.


Which after school activities are available?

We provide a range of after school clubs to help develop pupils’ interests and skills. Lists of clubs will be available each term and you will be required to complete a registration form for your child, which will be sent home at the beginning of term. Club lists are available on our school website.  


What can I do if I am worried about my child?

The teachers, Senior Leadership Team and Family Liaison Officer at North Borough Junior School try to accommodate parents who wish to discuss their concerns or queries. If parents have any queries or concerns, please make an appointment to see your child’s teacher via the school office. Mrs Chiverton (headteacher), Mrs Wakefield (deputy headteacher) and Mrs Robinson (family liaison officer) are available on the gate in the mornings should you need to speak with them.


How do we engage with families?

We try to send letters home via email. We would be grateful if you could supply us with your current email address. Copies of all letters emailed to parents/carers can be obtained from the school office.

Our new school website is also updated on a regular basis. Please look here for information regarding clubs, term dates and school events. Other useful information for parents/carers can also be found on our new school website.

Parent Teacher evenings are held at least twice each year. The first, in the autumn term is an opportunity for you to meet the class teacher and find out how your child is doing in class and any areas for development.

In the spring term, parents/carers are invited to a meeting, which provides an in-depth discussion about your child’s progress. At this meeting, you will have the opportunity to look at your child’s work and your child will help to lead the discussion about learning.

In the summer term, the teacher writes a comprehensive report with targets for each child. Parents who wish to discuss an aspect of the report are given the opportunity to meet with the class teacher.

In addition to this we invite parents to attend events such as class assemblies, school productions and the Cultural Celebration Day.


Will my child have homework?

Each year group sets homework, which we ask parents to support their children with. Parents are also asked to ensure that their child has completed any homework set. Class teachers will inform parents of their child’s homework timetable at the start of the academic year. Please read our Homework Policy for more information.



Can my child bring a mobile phone to school?

Children are allowed to bring a mobile phone to school, but all phones must be left in the school office at the start of the school day and collected at the end of school. This is mainly for those children in year 6, unless there are special circumstances.


How can parents help and support the school?

We always welcome parents and grandparents into our school. We are always looking for help with our school library, reading with children, supporting creative activities or sharing skills. If you are interested in helping on a regular basis, please speak to your child’s class teacher or the school office.

Our school is also supported by our thriving Parent Teacher Association who help to arrange a range of fund-raising events for our children throughout the year. All parents are automatically a member of the PTA and are welcome to attend meetings.