History and Geography


History has always been highly esteemed at North Borough being the cornerstone for generating topics and developing close links to other subject areas such as English, Geography and Art. Our curriculum is informed by the National Curriculum and designed considering our locality and children’s interests and cultures. We aim to inspire and stimulate children’s curiosity for History and for understanding their own identity and the current challenges in their social, political, cultural and economic background. History is an enquiry based subject which we aim to ensure that all pupils; Gain a knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world; Are encouraged to ask perceptive questions, think critically, weigh evidence, sift arguments, and develop perspective and judgement; Begin to understand the complexity of people’s lives, the process of change and the diversity of societies and relationships between different groups. Our History curriculum is enhanced through making full use of direct and wider local resources to enable children to develop and apply their skills and knowledge to cultivate a lifelong and enduring aspiration to further their enthusiasm for the subject.

Mrs Fantham (History Subject Leader)

History Skills Progression Document



At North Borough Junior School we embrace the diverse culture and heritages of our local community. We believe that Geography helps to encourage and provide answers to questions about the natural and human aspects of the world and their place in it. At North Borough, we use a topic based approach to teaching Geography which closely links to History and how the world has changed over time. We also have a bespoke design to our curriculum which reflects the varied backgrounds of our children. Children are encouraged to develop a greater understanding and knowledge of the world in which we wish to inspire a curiosity of the world and the people in it. Geography is an exploratory subject in which we aim to equip children with progressive skills and the knowledge of key concepts of places, people, and resources together with an understanding of the Earth’s physical and human processes. We hope that the skills and knowledge the children gain at North Borough are transferable and promote their fascination in the topic for further education and beyond.

Miss Watson (Geography Subject Leader)​

Geography Skills Progression Document