At North Borough Junior School we use the Read Write Inc. Phonics programme to teach phonics. This is the same programme used at St Paul's Infant School which means there is continuous phonics provision across the two schools.
The programme is divided up into colour stages. These can be seen below:
Your child will bring home a book which matches their colour stage in school. Information about how to use the RWI Book Bag Books is below. We have also created a video for you too which you can find at the bottom of the page.
We now have the RWI Book Bag Books for your child to read at home. These books are carefully matched to ensure they are practising the sounds they have been learning in school. Below is some key information on how to use these books effectively at home.
All RWI Book Bag books should be read more than once. Rereading is extremely effective when developing fluency. Your child should aim to read the book at a smooth pace, using expression and without having to sound out any of the words. In our phonics sessions, we reread the same book at least 4 times to develop fluency and confidence.
Introduce the book:
Talk about the title and find out if your child has any background knowledge. Can they make a prediction for what the book may be about?
Identify the sound focus:
This can be found on the back to the book. If the book has ‘a e i o u’ on the back, this mean that your child will be consolidating the sounds they have learnt so far and that there is no specific sound focus.
Story Green Words
Story Green Words are found on the inside of the front cover. It is really important that your child practises reading the Story Green Words before reading the book. These are words that will be coming up in the book and practising these words will support their fluency. If your child is struggling to read the words, support them with blending the sounds and practise reading these words aloud. These words should be practised for the first few attempts at reading the book.
Red Words
Red Words are the high frequency words which have unusual sounds. These are words which we practise reading and spelling frequently in school and may appear in your child’s weekly spellings. Each time your child reads the book, they should practise reading the red words on the front inside cover. This again supports your child’s fluency and confidence.
In some of the books, the Red Words are in red to help your child identify them when reading.
Reading the Book
Your child does not need to read the whole book in one evening. What is important is that your child rereads the book a number of times, to develop the fluency and understanding. Asking your child questions about what they have read is a good way to find out if they understand what they are reading. Once your child is confident with reading the words without focusing too much on sounding out, ask them to listen to themselves whilst reading, to check what they read makes sense and understand what is happening in the story.
After Reading
Each book contains post reading tasks at the back of the book. These include sequencing activities or tasks which encourage your child to retell the story or share information they have found out. These are a great way of checking your child has understood what they have read. There are also questions to answer and talk about. Your child will be familiar with these types of questions as they are similar to the questions we look at in the phonics books in school.
Further Information
If you have any questions about your child’s reading book, please speak to your child’s class teacher.